Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I was having a strange dream about crayfish communities in the air vents, eating away at our kiwis. Sneaky little bastards. But finding myself intrigued, I hit the snooze button one, two, too many times; so I woke up with forty minutes to get to my drivers license test. I ran out of my room, suppressing the sound advice of teachers and mothers everywhere, "Eat a good breakfast before a big test." The walk was brisk, leaving no time for casual observation, just bee-line determination. Charging into Head Quarters I realized, "I forgot my checkbook. and my keys." sigh. But the teacher, an old German man with all black clothing, a gold guitar necklace, and sorta feminine boots, reassured me that all would be okay. I could pay later. The class consisted of me and the teacher. My co-worker, who is also required to get his license, was a no show. Probably hung over.  We watched a couple of videos. One was about winter driving in Michigan, and the other was about driving in Europe, narrated by a delightfully hokey German Police Officer who often pointed at the camera and stuttered while reading the English prompts. We then went over traffic signs. Then he vaguely gave me the answers to a few of the difficult questions. Score. The test was taken, passed, and filed so I headed home to grab my check book, praying that my roommate didn't lock the room.

On the way home I passed a man chopping wood in front of his house. Anyone who doubts the artistic value of hard work should take one look at a Bavarian wood-stack.  Organized by size. Painstakingly level . Simply speaking: perfect. I can't decide if these piles of fire wood should be considered sacred or insane. Maybe its both.

My roommate didn't lock the room. He must have seen my keys sitting on the table. Having an hour before I have to be back at HQ, I kick off my shoes and open the fridge. I cook up an Eggy in a Basket (I feel four every time I say it) and read some Moby Dick, sitting by the window of course.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, what is an Eggy in a Basket? I walked to the Starbucks in downtown Deerfield for coffee with Jayne E. and thought of you today. Praying for you. Missing you. :)
